Nicolas Stone

E.A.V. Registry
File #1303500587|%y%m%d00%M%H%S

Name Nicolas Tyler Stone Aliases
Branch Navy Rank Seaman Apprentice
Gender Male Race/Eth. Caucasian
Birthdate February 29, 2104 Age 24
Height 5'11" Build 174 lbs
Eyes Blue Hair Brown
Residence Las Vegas, NV
Position Electrician
Parents Angela (.d), Daniel (.d) Siblings SA Violetta Stone
Marital Status Single Children None
First Seen Last Seen
Service Record SA Stone has shown little interest in performing above and beyond his duties. While he shows great electronic prowess, he seems to have little motivation to go above and beyond. Despite his lack of motivation, SA Stone was assigned to the EAV Genesis along with his sister to assist with the construction of the Genesis. His expertise was called upon to design the layout of the electronic wiring and knows more about the ship's electrical systems than any other on board. He and his sister were invaluable to the completion of the EAV Genesis within the short time given to construct the vessel.

His sister, SA V. Stone is also aboard EAV Genesis.

Nicolas Stone

portrayed by
Jared Leto


Title OOC Date IC Date Quick Description
Dinner Time April 23, 2011 February 4, 2128 Nicolas finds out that his sister is awake and the twins get to know Yin a little.

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